Best ready dough mixes

For your success.

With our ready-made dough mixes, we supply private individuals, hoteliers and restaurateurs as well as clubs, amusement parks, catering companies and large bakeries - not only within Germany but also in neighboring countries.


Certified German ingredients

Exclusively certified German ingredients and the absence of any preservatives form the basis for our ready-made dough mixes and ultimately for the taste experience of your creations. You can't make crêpe, waffle, bubble wafer and churro dough any easier or faster. Whether small or large portions, with our ready-made dough mixes you are on the qualitatively safe side.


Crêpe batter

It's that simple ...
Mix 1 kg of crêpe batter mix with approx. 1.5 l to 1.9 l of cold water (depending on the desired dough strength). The crêpe dough is READY.

The crêpe ready mix gives a neutral dough and is suitable for sweet and savory crêpe.

Tip: Refine the crêpe batter with a dash of pure vegetable oil.

If you ever have some mixed dough left over, which was mixed the same day and stored in a cool place, no problem. Before use, please stir the dough again with a whisk.

We obtain our high-quality raw materials such as whole egg powder, milk powder, cream powder exclusively from German brand companies. Therefore, we do not add any preservatives, additives and flavors.
Detailed information on ingredients / nutritional values (PDF)


Waffle batter

It's that simple ...
1 kg Waffel-Fertigteigmischung mit ca. 500 bis 800 ml kaltem Wasser (je nach gewünschter Teigfestigkeit und Beschaffenheit des Waffeleisens) und 200 ml Pflanzenöl oder Pflanzencreme mit Butteraroma anrühren. Die Zutaten zu einer glatten Teigmasse verrühren (nicht schaumig schlagen!!!) – FERTIG. Waffeleisen füllen und Wafflen ausbacken. Die Füllmenge und Backzeit variiert je nach Form und Größe der Backplatten.

If you ever have some mixed dough left over, which was mixed the same day and stored in a cool place, no problem. Before use, please stir the dough again with a whisk.

We obtain our high-quality raw materials such as whole egg powder, milk powder, cream powder exclusively from German brand companies. Therefore, we do not add any preservatives, additives and flavors.
Detailed information on ingredients / nutritional values (PDF)



Bubblewaffle batter

It's that simple ...
Mix 1 kg of bubble waffle batter mix with approx. 500 to 800 ml of cold water (depending on the desired dough strength and consistency of the waffle iron) and 200 ml of vegetable oil or butter-flavored vegetable cream. Mix the ingredients until smooth (do not beat until foamy!!!) - DONE.
Waffeleisen füllen und Wafflen ausbacken. Die Füllmenge und Backzeit variiert je nach Form und Größe der Backplatten.

If you ever have some mixed dough left over, which was mixed the same day and stored in a cool place, no problem. Before use, please stir the dough again with a whisk.

We obtain our high-quality raw materials such as whole egg powder, milk powder, cream powder exclusively from German brand companies. Therefore, we do not add any preservatives, additives and flavors.
Detailed information on ingredients / nutritional values (PDF)



Churros batter

It's that simple ...
Mix / knead 1 kg of churros ready mix with 0.65-1.05 l of water. Depending on the baking method (churros press or churros baking iron).
the dough consistency is to be adapted to it.
If you have some dough that was mixed the same day and stored in a cool place, no problem.

We obtain our high-quality raw materials such as whole egg powder, milk powder, cream powder exclusively from German brand companies. Therefore, we do not add any preservatives, additives and flavors.
Detailed information on ingredients / nutritional values (PDF)


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